The CR7 Records

The Cristiano Ronaldo fact is really varied. There are many things that we can know about this special man in football. The “superman” is maybe the right nickname for him. The achievements got by Ronaldo are also incredible. He also has a unique style in the field.

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born 35 years ago on the 5th of February, 1985 in Funchal. For your information, he was a huge fan of football since the childhood period. He always tried to find a way for playing football at that time.

Cristiano Ronaldo fact
Cristiano Ronaldo fact

Nowadays, Cristiano Ronaldo has become a famous football player in the world. However, he went through a long journey to reach his career. If you are one of his fans, here are some interesting facts about Ronaldo that you need to know.

The Long Football Career of Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo started his career internationally playing for the Portugal team since 2003. However, he actually started his career since he was 3 years old. There is an interesting Cristiano Ronaldo fact that you should know. Actually, SL Benfica was his favorite team.

The first time he played was for an amateur team, Andorinha when he was only an 8-year-old boy. In a nutshell, Ronaldo played for the CD Nacional. After that, he moved to Sporting CP. He started his first debut against Moreirense, scoring two points at that match.

Career of Ronaldo
Career of Ronaldo

He also became the feature of Portugal in UEFA under 17 championships. He got all the attention at that time because of his incredible performance. One of the people who were interested in that time was Gerard Houllier, the Liverpool Manager.

However, the young Ronaldo was not accepted to play for Liverpool at that time. One of the reasons was that the management thought that he was still too young. He needed more time to develop his skill and ability in football. However, it was not the end of Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United

The famous Cristiano Ronaldo fact was when he played for Manchester United in 2003. He got Sir Alex Ferguson’s attention when his team defeated Manchester United with a score of 3-1. He wanted the young player for his team at that time.

Ronaldo signed a £12.24 million contract with MU and his first debut was against Bolton Wanderers. Based on the Cristiano Ronaldo fact, his first international career was in 2003 against Kazakhstan. Ronaldo also took his country to the 2004 summer Olympics. From that moment, Ronaldo had a much better life.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United
Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United

At that time, he already became a professional player for 3.5 years. His life was totally changed because of football. We can say that Manchester United had an essential role for Cristiano Ronaldo. However, we cannot deny that it is also because of his amazing skill.

Young Ronaldo was a fast runner. He could dribble really well. It was one of his weapons to defeat his enemy. However, the young Ronaldo was the selfish person who ever forgets his teammates. Now, Ronaldo is a better person with better skills and wiser character.

Ronaldo’s Charm Continues at Real Madrid

Ronaldo’s skill and charm in Manchester United was then attracting Real Madrid until then he moved to that team in 2009. The surprising Cristiano Ronaldo fact was that he created the special transfer record with the amount of €60 million.

At that time, it was recorded as the greatest purchase of Madrid. Ronaldo got the fantastic transfer payment and fee from that big team. However, Ronaldo proved that the team made the right decision. He became a goal-scoring machine for the team.

Cristiano Ronaldo real madrid
Cristiano Ronaldo real madrid

His performance made Ronaldo got a lot of achievement and rewards. The example was in December 2016 where he got the fourth Ballon d’Or. He even defeated Lionel Messi to get that reward. He also got some other rewards such as from UEFA and France Football Magazine.

The next year, he got his fifth Ballon d’Or. It became an amazing achievement and Cristiano Ronaldo fact since he rivaled his eternal rival, Lionel Messi. It was because Messi also collected 5 rewards for Ballon d’Or. It raised the Cristiano Ronaldo’s popularity in his football career.

The Salary and Wealth of Ronaldo

The most interesting Cristiano Ronaldo fact is maybe about his wealth. Based on the Forbes Magazine, the Cristiano Salary was around 93 million dollars in 2017. 58 million dollars from that salary was fee and bonus from Real Madrid. Ronaldo also gets the salary from other fields.

He also becomes the model of some famous product advertisements in the world. That Salary made Ronaldo was one of the football players with the highest salary. He was one of the richest professional athletes in 2017. Based on a source, the Ronaldo’s net worth reaches 400 million dollars.

Now Ronaldo is playing for Juventus. He also has a happy family. We cannot deny that Ronaldo also has a good heart since he always helped other people. The Cristiano Ronaldo fact also taught us that success can be achieved by effort and hard work.



02/09/06 Bisa Menjadi Bonanza Taruhan Bagi Penggemar Sepak Bola

Tanggal 2 September 2006 akan menjadi hari luar biasa dalam sepak bola perguruan tinggi saat PAC 10 menyerbu negara SEC yang tidak berkawan, untuk tripleheader yang akan dengan cepat menentukan sapa yang mempunyai konferensi yang kuat dalam tahun 2006.

Ini ialah tahun pelatih USC Pete Carroll untuk memuat ulang dan sebelum siapa kendati merasa kasihan padanya, pahamilah bahwa ke-2 pemain yang bersaing untuk menggantikan Leinart sama-sama dianggap sebagai gelandang persiapan unggul di Amerika pada tahun-tahun senior mereka. Bush, seperti Leinart, akan dirindukan, namun ada banyak pelari muda yang amat dihormati yang ingin sekali memenangkan pekerjaan sebagai tailback.

Ini adalah tim yang mencatatkan rekor 37-2 dalam tiga musim terakhir dengan kedua kekalahan tersebut tercipta dengan selisih tiga angka. Cukup banyak pemain berkualitas yang balik didukung sambil serangkaian famili perekrutan yang dianggap sebagai yang unggul di negeri ini untuk memberi USC kesempatan unik untuk berpengaruh di tengah-tengah campuran BCS.

Masalah bagi Trojan adalah kunjungan minggu pembukaan itu ke Arkansas yang gawat, lembap, dan penuh permusuhan, tempat para Razorback yang malu lumayan menunggu. Musim lalu, USC menggantungkan tujuh puluh angka pada tim Houston Nutt dan pembayaran kembali tersedia di ide mereka daripada keramahtamahan dalam selatan.

Nomor yang beredar di Vegas memiliki USC pilihan 10 ½ angka dan hamba suka anjing di sini & saya jelas akan memasang taruhan dengan sportsbook online saya.

Pada hari yang serupa, Beruang Emas California melaksanakan perjalanan ke Knoxville untuk mengunjungi Relawan Tennessee yang bermasalah. Vols mengalami musim 2005 yang menyedihkan dan Beruang Emas telah tampil berbakat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Masalah bagi petaruh di sini ialah bahwa jumlahnya akan meningkat dengan condong ke haluan Tennessee sebab mereka dianggap memiliki olahragawan hebat.

Saya berasumsi kalau Cal akan menjadi anjing + 4 dan tidak disarankan untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan tim Phil Fulmer! Tidak hendak ada taruhan olahraga online apa pun dari hamba yang wahid ini.

Aku akan menghindar dari sini!

Kemiringan Pac 10/SEC ke-3 menampilkan Cougars dari Negeri Bagian Washington menuju Alabama untuk menghadapi Tigers of Auburn. Ada kontroversi seputar program Tommy Tubberville, namun Negara Potongan Washington kalah dalam hal ini. Letakkan kayunya!

Bob Akton


Strategi Poker 3 Kartu

Tatkala Anda memecahkan setumpuk 52 kartu dan membagikan 3 kartu poker, strategi pertama yang Kamu perlukan adalah pemahaman yang kuat tentang aturannya. Daripada bersaing dengan pemain lain, Anda bersaing melawan dealer. Anda memerlukan tangan yang lebih baik daripada dealer (dan setidaknya sepasang) untuk menang. Masing-masing dari Anda dibagikan 3 kartu, dan kartu-kartu tersebut dikocok setelah masing-masing tangan. Karena cara membuat straight dengan 3 kartu lebih sedikit daripada flush, straight memiliki tahapan lebih tinggi. Aces tinggi atau rendah.

Anda dapat membuat dua taruhan: Ante dan Peronda Plus. Ante adalah dana yang dibebankan kepada Kamu untuk mengangkat permainan tersebut. Pair Plus adalah taruhan Anda kalau Anda akan mendapatkan kartu dengan pasangan atau lebih tinggi. Kamu tidak harus membuat ke-2 taruhan itu, namun setidaknya Anda kudu bertaruh pada Ante agar tetap bertahan dalam permainan.

Anda bertaruh ketika Anda memasang taruhan Anda di tempat Ante di meja permainan. Baik Anda dan dealer dibagikan tiga kartu tertutup. Dekrit Anda lalu kemudian? Apakah kartu-kartu ini cukup bagus untuk Anda pertaruhkan atau sebaiknya Anda lipat? Lipat & kalahkan taruhannya. Bertaruh & Anda menggerakkan taruhan Anda yang setara dengan taruhan di tempat Bermain di meja permainan. Menangkan dan Anda memperoleh pembayaran Ante dan Pair Plus.

Dealer harus memiliki seorang Ratu atau lebih baik untuk bertahan pada permainan. Bila tidak, Anda mendapat pembayaran atas taruhan mereka cuma jika membayar uang genap (1 melaksanakan 1) – dan selama Anda tidak melipat.

Pembayaran Ante

– Straight memperoleh pembayaran 1 banding 1.
– Three of a kind memperoleh pembayaran 4 banding 1.
– Straight flush memperoleh pembayaran 5 banding 1.

Pembayaran Pasangan Plus

– Sepasang memperoleh pembayaran 1 banding 1.
– Flush mendapat pembayaran 4 banding 1.
– Straight mendapat pembayaran 6 banding 1.
– Three of a kind memperoleh pembayaran 30 banding 1.
– Straight flush mendapat pembayaran 40 banding 1.

Ingatlah tip berikut untuk membantu strategi Anda:

– Jika Kamu memiliki Queen atau lebih baik, bertaruhlah pada Pair Plus. Jika tidak, lipat.
– Dealer akan mendapatkan Ratu sekitar 66% daripada keseluruhan waktu.
– Rumah memiliki keuntungan 3, 4%.



Beberapa waktu yang kemudian Camelot, Operator Resmi Lotere Nasional Inggris, biasa merilis kombinasi yang paling sering dimainkan. Tidak mengherankan bila kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6 menjadi salah satunya yang diikutsertakan pada setiap Lotto Draw oleh banyak orang. Dan yang saya maksud adalah ribuan!!! Bila saya mengingatnya dengan betul, pada tahap tertentu ada sekitar 10. 000 tiket yang dibeli untuk di setiap undian Lotto yang berisi kombinasi itu. Hal itu membawa saya pada tanda nomor 1 mengapa kombinasi seperti tersebut harus dihindari seperti endemi.
< br>
< br>
Banyak sekali tiket yang dibeli secara kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6, pembayaran jackpot akan sangat rendah bila kombinasi itu menang!
< br>
Katakanlah Anda bermain 1-2-3-4-5-6 & menang (yippee! ). Katakanlah Anda ingin berbagi jackpot rata-rata £3. 000. 000 dengan 10. 000 pemenang jackpot lainnya. Ini berarti bahwa bagian kemenangan Kamu akan berjumlah £300 yang menyedihkan! Ya oke, masih uang bagus, mengalahkan sepuluh dolar yang Anda dapatkan dengan menebak 3 nilai, tapi sudah tentu ini bukan uang yang ada pada pikiran Kamu ketika Kamu bermimpi memenangi jackpot, bukan?!
< br>
Ada banyak alasan apa sebab banyak dari kita mengangkat kombinasi itu. Gampang diingat… Gampang buat tanda dalam tiket lotere… Ada yang malas/kekurangan waktu untuk memilih kombinasi tak berurutan yang bagus & tidak bias…Secara statistik kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6 mempunyai persamaan prospek seri (1 dalam 13. 983. 816), jadi mengapa tidak memainkannya… Beberapa orang memainkan kombinasi yang sama setiap tatkala, jadi dapat jadi mereka memainkan kombinasi ini untuk sementara waktu dan tidak mau menyerah sekarang untuk berjaga-jaga jika itu muncul… Camelot tidak lagi mengumumkan kombinasi yang paling sering dimainkan, sehingga banyak yang tidak menyadari berapa banyak orang yang harus berbagi jackpot jika kombinasi ini ditarik.
< br>
Apapun alasannya, akan percuma jika 1-2-3-4-5-6 dimainkan sebab alasan dalam atas aja. Namun tersedia alasan lain mengapa Kamu TIDAK boleh memainkan kombinasi ini.
< br>
< br>
Seperti disebutkan di atas, secara statistik kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6 mempunyai peluang yang sama untuk ditarik, secara kata unik Anda mempunyai 1 peluang memenangkan jackpot dengan kombinasi ini & 13. 983. 815 peluang TIDAK memenangkannya. Itu secara statistik.
< br>
Namun, jika Kamu melihat sejumlah besar literatur yang sekarang tersedia sehubungan dengan analisis lotere dan hukum probabilitas, Anda akan melihat bahwa sebagian gede penulis memberikan cerita yang sedikit bertentangan. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6 bias & dijamin kalah karena jauh tidak seimbang untuk muncul dalam undian acak. Opini ini didasarkan pada penelitian luas yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang yang menganalisis undian permainan lotere masa kemudian dari semua dunia!!! Jika enam nilai berturut-turut belum pernah terundi dalam lotere mana pun di seluruh dunia, & enam nilai dari wahid kelompok angka juga belum pernah terundi, lalu berapa peluang yang dimiliki sambil kombinasi 1-2-3-4-5-6?
< br>
Dipercayai bahwa kombinasi yang paling mungil kemungkinannya untuk ditarik adalah kombinasi yang berada dalam ujung kurva lonceng. Ini adalah enam angka terendah dan enam angka tertinggi dari seluruh permainan lotre.
< br>
Sekarang ke kabar baik. Kabar baiknya adalah Lottorino dapat membantu pemilihan kombinasi Lotto. Ini menggabungkan banyak filter dan memeriksa apakah kombinasi tertentu bias ataupun tidak. Lottorino berkonsultasi secara hukum kemungkinan daripada patokan kemungkinan. Idenya adalah walaupun kombinasi segala sesuatu pun bisa ditarik, kombinasi tertentu kecil kemungkinannya untuk muncul.
< br>
Bila Anda minta Lottorino untuk menganalisis 1-2-3-4-5-6, skor Lottorino akan rendah sebesar 2%, artinya kombinasi ini tampaknya bias dalam beberapa sesuatu dan sebagai hasilnya memberikan kemungkinan terjadinya kombinasi tersebut. ditarik sebesar 2% (persentasenya akan bergantung pada berapa banyak aturan/filter yang dilanggar). Dengan menyaring kombinasi itu dan banyak kombinasi yang lain, tiket lotre Anda mempunyai peluang lebih besar untuk menjadi pemenang!
< br>
Jika Anda melihat skor Lottorino daripada semua kombinasi Lotto Inggris yang ditarik secara formal di masa lalu, Anda akan tahu bahwa kaum tampaknya mempunyai skor Lottorino yang ringan (yaitu Lottorino akan menyarankan untuk TIDAK memainkannya), namun 95% daripada waktu, skor Lottorino ialah 50% atau lebih (batas yang disarankan Catchalotto). Oleh sebab itu 95% daripada waktu, peluangnya memang ditingkatkan oleh Lottorino.


< b> Poker Online Sehat Memperluas Minat Dalam Permainan< /b>

Semakin Anda mengerti suatu subjek, semakin memukau subjek itu. Saat Anda membaca artikel ini, Kamu akan menemukan bahwa topik poker internet tentu saja tidak terkecuali.

Oline poker telah menjadi salah satu permainan paling ternama yang dimainkan di Internet saat ini. Dengan meningkatnya jumlah orang2 yang mendaftar dan masuk, muncullah minat yang lebih luas terhadap permainan itu. Apakah Kamu seorang pemain pemula yang ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang permainan, sehingga mendapatkan pengalaman melalui ruang online dan opini serta tilikan dari pemain lain, atau pemain berilmu yang ingin meningkatkan permainan Anda dan mendapatkan perspektif tentang strategi Anda, kesukaan Anda hampir tidak terpatok. saat bermain melalui World Wide Web.

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Dewiku88 bukan sekadar web judi online biasa; tersebut adalah destinasi lengkap bagi pecinta judi yang menelaah keseruan tanpa batas. Secara daftar slot yang nyata, kemudahan deposit melalui Ewallet, dan berbagai permainan memukau
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Jelajahi Keseruan 10 Permainan Slot Terbaik di Dewiku88 daripada Berbagai Provider

Keunggulan Sajian Slot dan Provider di Dewiku88

Dewiku88 tidak hanya menghapuskan layanan judi online yang lengkap, tetapi juga menghadirkan 10 permainan slot terkemuka dari provider terkemuka. Di setiap permainan slot memiliki keunikannya sendiri, dan kami hendak memperkenalkan Anda pada
kurang lebih di antaranya:

1. Starburst – NetEnt

Kilauan Takdir di Slot Starburst

Provider: NetEnt

Starburst dari NetEnt menjadi favorit di Dewiku88 dengan grafis yang memukau dan fitur wild yang menghadirkan peluang besar untuk kemenangan ekstra. Kombinasi ragam yang cerah dan kisaran yang cepat membuat Starburst menjadi pilihan
yang tak terelakkan.

2. Mega Moolah – Microgaming

Petualangan Moolah untuk Jackpot Mega

Provider: Microgaming

Mega Moolah daripada Microgaming dikenal sebagai “The Millionaire Maker” dengan kausa yang jelas. Slot toleran ini sering kali memberikan jackpot besar, menjadikannya daya tarik utama di Dewiku88. Setiap putaran memberi peluang besar
untuk meraih kekayaan mendalam.

3. Gonzo’s Quest – Play’n GO

Penjelajahan Gonzo di Dunia Slot Online

Provider: Play’n GO

Gonzo’s Quest menghadirkan prosesi epik melalui hutan samar dengan tampilan grafis 3D yang memukau. Fitur rontok bebas (avalanche) memberikan sistem berturut-turut untuk menang, menumbuhkan kegembiraan bermain di Dewiku88.

4. Book of Ra – Novomatic

Misteri & Kekayaan dengan Buku Pengintai

Provider: Novomatic

Book of Ra membawa pemain ke petualangan arkeologis dengan grafis yang mengesankan. Fitur kisaran gratis dengan simbol luar biasa menambah kegembiraan bermain, membuatnya menjadi satu diantara pilihan terpenting di Dewiku88.

5. Bonanza – Big Time Gaming

Ledakan Kemenangan dengan Bonanza

Provider: Big Time Gaming

Bonanza menghadirkan sistem Megaways yang inovatif, memberikan ribuan cara untuk menang di setiap putaran. Desain yang unik dan fitur berlimpah membuat Bonanza menjadi salah satu produk slot paling menarik di Dewiku88.

6. Sakura Fortune – Quickspin

Kecantikan serta Keberanian di Sakura Fortune

Provider: Quickspin

Sakura Fortune menawarkan keindahan Jepang yang memukau dengan putaran komisi yang mengasyikkan. Grafis yang halus dan tema yang menawan membuatnya menjadi favorit di antara penggemar slot di Dewiku88.

7. Vikings Go Berzerk – Yggdrasil Gaming

Wujud Kegilaan pada Vikings Go Berzerk

Provider: Yggdrasil Gaming

Vikings Go Berzerk mengajak pemain di petualangan viking yang maksimum aksi. Fitur khusus dan animasi yang mengesankan membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang seru di Dewiku88.

8. Immortal Romance – Microgaming

Romansa Abadi di Dunia Vampir

Provider: Microgaming

Immortal Romance menggabungkan cerita vampir yang menarik dengan fitur bonus yang melimpah. Desain yang misterius dan putaran bebas membuatnya menjadi slot kesukaan di Dewiku88.

9. Great Rhino – Pragmatic Play

Keindahan dan Keberanian di Great Rhino

Provider: Pragmatic Play

Great Rhino menampilkan keindahan savana Afrika dengan jackpot yang menggiurkan. Sifat respin dan simbol liar menjadikannya pilihan yang seru untuk pemain di Dewiku88.

10. Divine Fortune – NetEnt

Kemegahan Dewa secara Divine Fortune

Provider: NetEnt

Divine Fortune adalah slot jackpot progresif lainnya dari NetEnt, membawa pemain di dunia mitologi Yunani. Fitur respin dan putaran ekstra menjadikan pengalaman bermainnya tak terlupakan di Dewiku88.

Dewiku88: Situs Resmi untuk Pengalaman Judi Terbaik

Dewiku88 Web Resmi: Tempat Terpercaya untuk Berjudi Online

Jika Anda mengatasi situs judi online yang dapat diandalkan dan supel, Dewiku88 adalah pilihan yang tepat. Dengan lisensi resmi dan reputasi yang cantik, Dewiku88 adalah situs resmi yang menjamin keamanan & keadilan dalam setiap

Penutup: Ajakan untuk Setia di Dewiku88

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Ya, Hokiku88 adalah situs resmi judi online yang aman dan diatur. Kami mempergunakan teknologi enkripsi tinggi untuk melindungi data pribadi Dikau dan memastikan keadilan di permainan.
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Best Moments of Cristiano Ronaldo in El-Classico Match
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Best Moments of Cristiano Ronaldo in El-Classico Match

Best Moments of Cristiano Ronaldo in El-Classico Match. The best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo can be seen from any moments; inside or outside the field. However, the most memorable one is maybe in the El-Classico match. It is the nickname for a match between Real Madrid and Barcelone as the eternal rival.

We knew that both of that team has a wonderful performance with a lot of star players inside. Winning the el-Classico match will not only increase their point but also become a really prestigious moment. During el-Classico, there were so many best moments created.

As one of the mega-player, Cristiano Ronaldo made some great records and moments; those best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo in el-Classico will be always remembered by the people. Here are some of those moments that will remind you of the match.

Best Moments of
Best Moments of

The La-League Spain in 2011-2012

Real Madrid visited the Camp Nou Stadium in April 2012. At that time Real Madrid had 4 more points than Barcelona in the league table. With 4 matches left, won that match will be essential. It would make Real Madrid lock its position as a winner.

In the minute of 17th, Real Madrid scored a Goal which was made by Sami Khedira. However, in the minute of 70th, Barcelona has successfully scored a goal. One of the best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo was made three minutes after that.

In the 73rd minutes, Ronaldo scored. It was finally made by Ronaldo after he had several chances to score a goal before. Ronaldo could score a goal after got an assist from his teammate, Mesut Oezil. It made Real Madrid won the battle.

At the end of the season, Real Madrid got the winner title of the league. It was so special because the last time they became a winner was in 2007-2008. It was for about 4 years.  The best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo was not stopped at that.

Best Moments of
Best Moments of

Second Leg of Copa Del Rey Semifinal 2012-2013 in Camp Nou

It was a moment when previously Real Madrid got the draw result of 1-1 in Santiago Bernabeu. Madrid should win the second leg if they wanted to be in the final match. In fact, Real Madrid played really well at Barcelona’s stadium.

Barcelona was under-pressured at the beginning after Ronaldo scored a goal in the 11th minute. It was a penalty execution and one of the best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo at that time. In the 57th minute, Cristiano Ronaldo scored the second goal for Real Madrid.

The chance for Madrid to be in the final was bigger after Raphael Varane scored the third goal for Real Madrid. When the match would over, Barcelona could score one goal in the 89th minute. It was made by Jordy Alba. So, it was 3-1 for Real Madrid.

El-Classico will always be an interesting match. It is because Real Madrid and Barcelona is the eternal rival. In addition, the best moments of Cristiano Ronaldo in El-Classico will be the most memorable remembered by the football lovers forever.

Best Moments of
Best Moments of
Cristiano Ronaldo Life, the Real Zero to Hero
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero

Cristiano Ronaldo Life, the Real Zero to Hero

Cristiano Ronaldo life may be the one proving the case of zero to hero is real. Ronaldo, by all matters, was from a poor family with their poverty issue. Now, people can see him as the most successful football player that has a huge impact on anything. He is the icon of objectifying dreams by overcoming adversity to achieving prosperity.

By having a net worth of $450 million, this Portuguese footballer has enjoyed his luxury world, in and off the pitch. Besides, he has made spectacular achievement by bringing five Ballons d’ Or that is so prestige for the footballer and other 29 major honors as one of the best greatest player ever.

Ronaldo keeps making headlines with every inch of his move. Whether he’s winning the game and achieving a new title or expanding his luxury car collection. Everything will gain people’s attention, alongside numerous army fans across the world. Yes, almost everyone knows him. However, only a few know his story where did all begin.

Cristiano Ronaldo Life; Childhood Memory


Ronaldo was born in Cape Verdean Island of Madeira (known as Portugal) on February 5, 1985, with official name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. He had though life being in poor family with a gardener father and a cook mother.

Since enrolling in his elementary school, Escola Basica e Secundaria Goncalves Zarco, Ronaldo didn’t have an interest in academics. His only concern was to accompany his father’s side job as a kit man in Andorinha Football, Funchal. Surprisingly, he truly signed up for this football club at eight as an amateur.

Ronaldo was discharged from his school at 14 after throwing a chair to his teacher. He excused that it happened because his teacher making fun of his accent and pointing that being a footballer wouldn’t make him great.

Cristiano Ronaldo Life from Club to Club


Ronaldo registered at Sporting CP player when he was 16. He became the youngest player ever in Sporting CP. In 2003 he signed a contract as the first Portuguese joining Manchester United and is the most highly-paid for a teenager. Fortunately, he proved his skill worth the money. Totally, he gained nine trophies as a Manchester United player.

In 2009, Ronaldo set a move to another big club. He managed to be a Real Madrid player with his exclusive contract. His career kept moving forward by consecutive winning FIFA Ballon d’Or. He particularly achieved an outstanding achievement by becoming the Madrid first goal-scorer that made 5900 goals in total. In 2018, Ronaldo moved to Juventus until now.

Cristiano Ronaldo Family and Personal Life


Cristiano Ronaldo life has so many ups and downs due to his popularity. Ronaldo has four children; one from an unknown woman, twins from an anonymously surrogate woman, and one from his current girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez.

He was accused of a rape scandal, but it turned out that the case was lack of evidence. He faced other issues in the tax evasion scandal in 2017. At that time he was sentenced to fined 18.8 million euros and two years in jail. Surprisingly, the sentenced was reduced by two million euros and he served under probation.

Ronaldo has always been charming with everything he has. But, only a few people know how he struggled a lot and passed so many paths to secure this position like now. It’s a never-ending story to amaze. We truly can learn a lot from Cristiano Ronaldo life to catching our own dreams.

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent News about His Comeback to Madrid
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent News about His Comeback to Madrid

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent News about His Comeback to Madrid. The Cristiano Ronaldo recent news is always interesting to be known. The most recent rumor is about his comeback possibility to Real Madrid. The rumor said that Ronaldo is missing his life with Real Madrid and open the chance to back. Is it true?

The financial condition happened in Italy because of the Corona Virus created a speculation that Juventus will sell Ronaldo. The manager can sell him to get a lot of money after the crisis. That is why; a lot of teams seem preparing from this news.

Unfortunately, the rumor said that Real Madrid is not having any plans to take that mega player back. It can be the bitter Cristiano Ronaldo recent news for the Madrid public. Well, actually Ronaldo still has the good relationship with the Real Madrid Presidents.

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent
Cristiano Ronaldo Recent

The Friendship Relationship in Madrid

There are some reasons why people thought that Ronaldo will not come back to Real Madrid. One of the reasons is because Ronaldo did not have the good friendship relationship with other team mates. He even made the controversial comment about Luka Modric.

It was when Modric won the Ballon d’Or title in 2018. Based on the Cristiano Ronaldo recent news, the mega player just had the good communication with Marcelo, a defender from Brazil. Another reason why Ronaldo will not back is about the challenge.

Ronaldo moved to Juventus because he wanted to get the new challenges. That is why; if he came back to Madrid he would not get that feeling. In fact, Ronaldo also got everything in Juventus. The examples are the fantastic salary and long contract.

The fact is that Ronaldo is now getting more salary in Juventus. The amount of that salary is even much bigger than in Real Madrid. You can say that it was maybe impossible that Ronaldo will think to come back to Madrid.

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent
Cristiano Ronaldo Recent

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent News about His Transfer

Releasing Ronaldo to other team will have an impact. It was also happened to Real Madrid. It can be beneficial from the business side. However, it can be harmless for the team performance in the future. It was happened to Madrid and for sure Manchester United.

Real Madrid is now struggling to get the achievements just like when Ronaldo was still there. That is why; a lot of people in Madrid really want that player to back. Their dream seems to be true when Ronaldo came to watch the el-classico match sometimes ago.

However, you must be disappointed because based on the Cristiano Ronaldo recent news, he just come to accept the invitation. It was not more than that. The rumor said that now Ronaldo is just thinking about getting more trophies with Juventus as his recent team.

During his performance with Real Madrid, Ronaldo became the top scorer for that team. If Juve will really sell him, Manchester United and PSG can open a chance to bring that player. However, this Cristiano Ronaldo recent news about his move needs to be confirmed again.

Cristiano Ronaldo Recent
Cristiano Ronaldo Recent
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical Jersey Number in Manchester United
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical Jersey Number in Manchester United

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical Jersey Number in Manchester United. Sometimes people will never care about the jersey number in a football match. However, after the number was used by several great football players, the shirt number becomes the interesting thing to talk. One of them is the Ronaldo’s number at Manchester United.

We knew that Ronaldo got the number of 7 for his jersey at Manchester United. Actually, that number felt so special because it was always used by the legendary players. The example was like David Beckham who became one of the most memorable players for MU.

In addition, maybe most of you are curious about the jersey number used by Ronaldo at that time. A lot of you for sure really want to know about the process how finally Ronaldo got that number and more. Below is the further information that we will share.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical

The Fear Felt by Ronaldo at the Beginning

In a moment of interview, Ronaldo has ever explained that he was actually felt not so brave to use the number 7 shirt at MU. He was not so confident. In addition, he didn’t want to be under the shades of the previous owner of number 7 at the team.

Actually, at the beginning Cristiano Ronaldo used the jersey number of 28. It was the same number when he was still playing for Sporting Lisbon. However, Sir Alex Ferguson as the Manager of Manchester United had the different opinion about that.

He thought that number 28 was not suitable for Ronaldo. Ferguson thought that Ronaldo was really feasible to get the number 7 at the team. Ronaldo was so frightened at that time. He always thought about it until then he accepted it.

The young Cristiano Ronaldo used that jersey number when he was 18 years old. As time goes by, Cristiano Ronaldo then realized that the number was not bad. It was his lucky number at Manchester United. He then became a new star.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical

Bitter Fact about Shirt Number 7 after Ronaldo Left

Ronaldo left Manchester United in 2009. It means that his number could be replaced by other players. It was noted that Manchester United gave that shirt number to 5 different players after Ronaldo left. Those are like Michael Owen, Angel Di Maria, Memphis Depay, and more.

In fact, they did not have the fantastic achievement with that jersey number. The example was Michael Owen. He only made 5 goals for Manchester United because he got the injury. The same thing also happened to other players who wore this short number.

Alexis Sanchez could be the example. It was hoped that he could have the amazing performance with Manchester United by using the number 7 jersey. However, he just made 3 goals in the Premier League in his 32 performance with the red devils.

Until now, Manchester United is still struggling to find the right individual like Cristiano Ronaldo. We cannot deny that Ronaldo was one of the best deals made by United. It is hoped that someday they will find the right talented player to wear the same jersey number like CR7.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Mystical
The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records
The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

As a pro football player, Cristiano Ronaldo’s achievements have inspired many people to do everything better. He also makes great records and gets many individual awards from time to time. It was begun when he was 16 and decided to join Manchester United that offered $15 million to sign, the highest record fee for a teenager.

In 2004 FA Cup final, Cristiano Ronaldo successfully scored consecutive thee goals for Manchester United and had a big role to catch the championship. His career with Manchester ended as Real Madrid paid him $131 million in the transfer market.

He has won a prestigious five Ballon d’Or for the player of the year position. Besides, he successfully led the Portugal team to gain their victory when competing in the 2016 European Championship. Surprisingly, in July 2018 he embarked new track by signing under Juventus, an Italian Serie A club.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements through His Career

The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records
The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

The biggest achievement in Ronaldo’s career is winning both individual and team honor for his previous two clubs. He won many categories for individual and team honor for both Manchester United and Real Madrid. These categories included Ballon d’Or, Golden Boot, World Player of the Year, Domestic League, Domestic Cup, Domestic Super Cup, Champion League, and World Club Championship.

The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records
The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Ronaldo also led Portugal National team to win the game. Specifically, he is the only player recorded to score for the Portugal team in four different World Cups. Besides, he has marked as the most goal-scorer in Portugal team all-time with a total 99 goals.

The other thing that makes Cristiano Ronaldo’s achievements being perfect is that he gets the most UEFA trophies. It seems impossible for Ronaldo to win an international trophy under the Portugal team, even Messi can’t get that opportunity with the Argentina team.

List of Cristiano Ronaldo’s Personal Records through His Career

The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records
The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Ronaldo clearly has a lot of achievements under his name, whether for the club or the country. This popular footballer seems to keep break countless achievements that hard to count. Even with age at 35, it doesn’t seem to slow down. Otherwise, let’s keep waiting for the next Cristiano Ronaldo’s achievements to make this list longer.

  1. Ronaldo is definitely a kind of goal machine that creates a perfect goal out of nothing. He is also known as a goal poacher that has devasted numerous goal-keepers in La Liga with 300 goals among his 286 matches.
  2. He was crowned as the most goal-scorer with 17 goals in a single European Cup campaign.
  3. Ronaldo is the only player to score more than 60 goals in a calendar of the year. Impressively, he did it for four consecutive years, from 2011 to 2014.
  4. Ronaldo also is the first player to score more than 30 league goals in history. Specifically, he consistently competed in major European league for six consecutive seasons.
  5. Not just being the best player on the biggest stage, Ronaldo also managed to be the most goals-scorer in Championship semi-finals. It was unofficial proof to ward that sentiment that Ronaldo just compete in the big event.

The number of his record and achievement is too long to mention here. Collectively, Cristiano Ronaldo has snatched over 300 trophies and along his journey as a footballer. He also has got at least 16 titles from friendly matches. It’s not a big surprise that Cristiano Ronaldo’s achievements always growing no matter how old he is.

The Incredible Cristiano Ronaldo’s Record at Manchester United
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

The Incredible Cristiano Ronaldo’s Record at Manchester United

The Incredible Cristiano Ronaldo’s Record at Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo’s record will always be remembered by most of the football players. However, who knows that for the first time no one really knew about him. They just thought that Ronaldo was a common thin young player with the skills.

Sir Alex Ferguson was the one who really sure that Ronaldo can be a star. Then, it became a reality. As time goes by, he became the world’s best football player. He even had an important role for Manchester United. Ronaldo made the team won tons of titles.

Ronaldo then moved to real Madrid in 2009. He became the world’s most expensive football player at that time. His transfer made a lot of stories. One of them was about the Cristiano Ronaldo’s record at Manchester United. You need to know about that.

The Incredible Cristiano
The Incredible Cristiano

The Highest Goals in a Season

The highest goals record in a season which was consisted of 38 matches for Manchester United was gotten by Ronaldo. He scored for 31 goals from 34 different matches in the season of 2007-2008. At the beginning of the season, he really turned into a new star in the field.

Cristiano Ronaldo scored his first goal when Manchester united against Birmingham City. That Portugal Star added 30 more goals in the league. In the season of 2007-2008, he helped United to win the league and another Cristiano Ronaldo’s record was made.

Ronaldo helped Manchester United to win the league. In addition, he also won the golden shoe of the English Premier League. It was not stopped at that. Ronaldo ended the season with 6 different individual trophies. One of them was his first golden shoe reward.

That reward stated that Ronaldo was one of the most professional football players in the world. He also became the best goal scorer. It became a moment where Manchester United won their first golden shoe award since 1967/68. They got it from Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Incredible Cristiano
The Incredible Cristiano

The Most Expensive Player Released by United

With all the skills owned by Ronaldo, this Cristiano Ronaldo’s record is maybe not so surprising. We knew that Ronaldo joined Manchester United in 2003 when he was 18 years old. The transfer fee was around 12.24 pounds sterling. What a price for a young man.

After that, CR7 broke various records in Old Trafford. He was attracting the attention of some high-class clubs in Europe. Ronaldo even became the best player in the world and won his first Ballon d’Or title in 2008. However, CR7 then finally moved to another team in 2009.

He moved to another huge club, Real Madrid. He moved after made 118 goals for Manchester United in his 292 performances. To get Ronaldo, Real Madrid had to pay a lot of money and bonus at It broke the world’s transfer value where Ronaldo was released by MU for 80 million pounds sterling.

Since that time it was a common thing that MU released the player in the expensive price. However, more than a decade after Ronaldo’s transfer, the record was not broken. The Cristiano Ronaldo’s record was still noted as the most expensive transfer from MU.

The Incredible Cristiano
The Incredible Cristiano
What Ferguson Said about Cristiano Ronaldo’s Recruitment in MU
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

What Ferguson Said about Cristiano Ronaldo’s Recruitment in MU

What Ferguson Said about Cristiano Ronaldo’s Recruitment in MU. The legendary Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, told about the Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment in a moment. You knew that Ronaldo became one of the United’s players since 2003. However, when was the first time Fergie noticed about Ronaldo?

Everything was started in 2003. In more detail, it was in a moment when Sporting CP did their trial match against Manchester United as the soft-opening of their stadium, Estadio Jose Alvalade. At that time, Ronaldo made Mikael Silvestre’s difficulty dealing with him.

That first meeting was when Ronaldo was 18 years old. It was also the moment where David Beckham recently moved to Real Madrid. At that time, Manchester United also failed to recruit Ronaldinho. It becomes the beginning of Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment.

The Manchester United Players Really Want Ronaldo

After the match, all the Manchester United players talked about Cristiano Ronaldo when they were in a changing room. Even in the plane, they still talked about him and the players really want Ferguson to recruit Ronaldo. The players had a high expectation for CR7.

It can be said that Ronaldo was the most attractive young football player at that time. That is why; the Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment then became a reality. Ferguson recruited him with a fee of 12 million pounds sterling from Sporting Lisbon or Sporting CP.

During his performance with Manchester United, Ronaldo became a star and mega player. He was able to score 118 goals from 292 performances in all competitions. Furthermore, he also won three Premier League titles and one Champion League title with the Red Devils.

The best memorable moment was maybe when he finally got his first Ballon d’Or title with MU. After 6 years of becoming the MU Player, Ronaldo then decided to leave that club. It was in 2009 when he moved to Real Madrid with the transfer value of 80 million pounds sterling.

What Ferguson Said
What Ferguson Said

During the Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment, Have He ever been the Team Captain?

The answer is yes. Ronaldo became the captain of MU for once. It happened when MU against the Bolton Wanderers in Old Trafford in 19 March 2008. He was the substitute captain for Ryan Gigs who sat in the substitution chair with other senior players.

Ronaldo was not only contributed as a leader, but he also scored 2 goals and made MU won the match. His first goal against Bolton Wanderers made Ronaldo was in the same position as George Best. He was breaking the record only 10 minutes after scoring for the second goal.

That was his 24th goal in a season. That goal also made Ronaldo has 4 more goals than Fernando Torres. Ronaldo was the top scorer and Torres was in second place. That winning moment made Manchester United became the king in the tournament.

Manchester United finally closed the season and became the winner. It was the 17th title for Manchester United in the English Premier League. All of these stories prove that the Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment could be the best deal made by MU at that time.

What Ferguson Said
Cristiano Ronaldo’s recruitment
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Journey to Success Started from Sporting Lisbon
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Journey to Success Started from Sporting Lisbon

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Journey to Success Started from Sporting Lisbon. Cristiano Ronaldo’s journey to success is always amazing, everyone. Most of the people maybe thought that he started everything from Manchester United. However, it was wrong because Sporting Lisbon was becoming his first successful step in football. It was all started in 1997.

We can say that Sporting Lisbon was his first Portugal football team where he was played for. Ronaldo was there until 2003. His professional career was started when he was 13 years old. At that time, he signed a contract with Sporting Lisbon with the amount of 1500 pounds sterling.

Started from, Cristiano Ronaldo’s journey to success was begun. He was trained in the Alcochete Football School. It was one of the best football schools in the world. Below is the more information about Cristiano Ronaldo and his Journet with Sporting Lisbon.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s
Cristiano Ronaldo’s

The Profile of Sporting Lisbon Football Team

Before the world knew the name of Cristiano Ronaldo, maybe you will not notice Sporting Lisbon. It is actually a small football team from Portugal. This team is also known with the name of Sporting CP. This football team was found in 1 July 1906.

If you noticed the Cristiano Ronaldo’s journey to success, you will know that Sporting Lisbon has other nicknames. Those are the ‘Verde e broncos’ (green and white) and ‘Leoes’ which means lions. Now, this team is ranked 31st in UEFA Club Ranking with 50 trophies collected.

Some sources said that Sporting Lisbon is one of the clubs which has the best football academy. Its competence as the football academy can be seen from the football players that they form. Two of them are Cristiano Ronaldo and Luis Figo who are really famous until now.

During history, Sporting Lisbon had collected a lot of trophies. Their first title was gotten in 1941. The most special one is maybe the 4 straight winner titles. They got it within 1951-1954. 4 years in a row they become the king in the famous local championship.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s
Cristiano Ronaldo’s

The Essential Role of Lisbon for Cristiano Ronaldo

Let us talking again about Cristiano Ronaldo’s journey to success; it is truly started from Starting Lisbon. At that time, Lisbon City had a story about the skinny young lad at the age of 12 years old. He had a thin body, but he knew how to control the ball.

Since that moment, they realized that the kid was special. He was different than other common kids in the city. Many years from that, they heard that Cristiano Ronaldo had become a football Star. Sporting CP always remembers and appreciates Ronaldo for everything.

That is why; they even made the mural of CR7 face in the changing room in Jose Alvalade stadium. Although Ronaldo comes as an opponent, the public in Lisbon will always welcome him with all respects and happiness. Ronaldo always has a special place in their heart.

Nowadays, almost all people know that Cristiano Ronaldo was graduated from the Sporting CP football academy. There is a rumor that maybe that team will name one part of their stadium with Ronaldo’s name to remind them of Cristiano Ronaldo’s journey to success from Lisbon.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s
Cristiano Ronaldo’s
The CR7 Records in Real Madrid FC to Remember
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

The CR7 Records in Real Madrid FC to Remember

The CR7 Records in Real Madrid FC to Remember. Cristiano Ronaldo is now not playing for the Real Madrid FC again. He is now becoming the Juventus player. However, Ronaldo has made several records in Madrid and it was hard to be broken by other players there. He is a player with amazing skills.

Ronaldo came to Madrid in 2009. For 9 years in that football club, Ronaldo has made a lot of achievements. The examples are two titles for Real Madrid, 2 Copa del Rey titles, 4 champion league titles in a row since the season of 2013/2014 until 2017/2018.

Furthermore, the CRT records in Real Madrid FC were not stopped at that. There are still some other achievements that we can note. The examples are his incredible hattrick, goals scored, and many more. Here is the information about those records.

The CR7 Records
The CR7 Records

The Most Hattricks Made with the Club

Ronaldo became a goal scorer machine during his time with el Real. It was noted that he also made 34 hattricks in La Liga in his own name. Since that moment, there were none of the Real Madrid players who can make more than 10 times hattrick.

However, that record made by Ronaldo could be defeated by Messi at that time. It was because Messi had already made 30 hattricks for his own name. The next record made by CR7 was making the most goals for the Real Madrid FC because of his skill.

For 9 years in Real Madrid, Ronaldo has scored 450 goals from 438 matches. It means that his goal ratio at that time was 1.03 goals per match. At that time, Karim Benzema could pass that record because Benzema has scored 193 goals.

However, it would be difficult. Other players may need decades to pass that CR7 record in Real Madrid FC. Maybe, that record can be just passed by another player who has the same or better skill than Ronaldo. We just can wait.

The CR7 Records
The CR7 Records

The player with the Most Gold Shoes Awards

Real Madrid became a club with 13 Champion League titles. 4 between those were gotten where Ronaldo still played for that team. From those 4 titles, CR7 has won 3 gold shoe awards. Those happened in 2011, 2014, and 2015. He also scored a lot of goals.

He made 40 goals in 2011, 31 goals in 2014, and 48 goals in 2015. In addition, Ronaldo also played an important role for Real Madrid FC. He had a contribution for the team to get 5 Champion Leagues Trophies during hi moment in Madrid.

During his performance in a Champion League with Madrid, Ronaldo has made 105 goals. Based on the data, there are only two football players who can score more than 100 goals in the Champion League. Another player is Lionel Messi who scored 100 goals for Barcelona.

The records made by CR7 confirmed that Ronaldo is a mega player. He was bought with a fantastic transfer value. However, we can see that it was really worth it. Real Madrid FC did the right transfer for bringing Ronaldo to Santiago Bernabeu.

The CR7 Records
The CR7 Records
The Shining Cristiano Ronaldo’s Career in Portugal National Team
Cristiano Ronaldo Life the Real Zero to Hero The Best of Cristiano Ronaldo Luxury Car Collection The Greatest Cristiano Ronaldo’s Achievements and Records

The Shining Cristiano Ronaldo’s Career in Portugal National Team

The Shining Cristiano Ronaldo’s Career in Portugal National Team. Cristiano Ronaldo’s career cannot be separated from his role and position in the Portugal National team. We can say that it became one of the ways how the universe can highlight a man called Ronaldo. His career with this team is really interesting to know.

The best moment with that national team was maybe when Ronaldo was successfully brought the team to become the winner of the European Cup in 2016. It was not only the journey made by Ronaldo with Portugal National Team. Ronaldo and this team have experienced everything.

There was a time when Ronaldo gained the golden era with this team. However, there was also a time when the Portugal National Team has to sink although Ronaldo still became a player there. Several iconic moments had been created as well. Here is the information.

The Shining Cristiano
The Shining Cristiano

The Transformer of Fate for Portugal National Team

During the Cristiano Ronaldo’s career, some people believed that he was the transformer of fate for Portugal. Actually, Ronaldo was signing a contract with this team when he was 18 years old. That was amazing for a young footballer like him. It was a huge trust.

He came in 2003 and since that time the Portugal National Team reached a lot of prestigious achievements from several giant championships. Ronaldo’s first debut was when Portugal against Kazakhstan in trial matches. Portugal was trained by Luiz Felipe Scolari at that time.

Scolari let Ronaldo play for about 45 minutes. Since that time, the Cristiano Ronaldo’s career in Portugal national team was skyrocketing. It made Ronaldo was finally entering the Selecao das Quinas for the 2004 European Cup in Portugal. He always became the first line for the team.

In the 2004 European Cup, Ronaldo always played for his team. The moment to remember at that time was when he scored a goal and an assist. It made Portugal was qualified for the semifinal after defeating the Netherlands for a score of 2-1.

The Shining Cristiano
The Shining Cristiano

Ronaldo’s Misfortune in the National Team

The Cristiano Ronaldo’s career is not only about his achievement, but also some misfortunes. One of those was when Portugal defeated by Greece 0-1 at the peak match. The worst thing was that match was held in Portugal in front of their public.

In the 2006 World Cup, Ronaldo brought Portugal to be at 4th place after defeated by Germany with a score of 1-3. It was when they looked for third place in the world cup. From that moment, Portugal was never absent in the world cup.

Those misfortunes were never changed the shining career from Ronaldo. He noted his name as a player who made the most caps for Portugal. He is also the top scorer for this national team until now. Since 2003, he has been played 158 times with Portugal.

Overall, Ronaldo joined the Portugal squad for 160 times; 147 times as a starter, 11 times as sub, and two times rested. He made the awesome Cristiano Ronaldo’s career and it was getting through some other legends such as Rui Costa and Luis Figo.

The Shining Cristiano
The Shining Cristiano
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